Medium Writers — You’re Invited! Kill Distractions And Double Your Writing Output In Our LIVE Zoom Co-Writing Sessions Exclusively For Medium Creators

Michael Brooks
3 min readOct 1, 2021

Supercharge your writing productivity by working on your individual stories together with other amazing Medium Writers.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

If you are a Medium writer struggling with procrastination and writing consistently to get your articles and stories out to the world so you can make more money from Medium you will want to read this and join the first ever 4 Week Medium Writers Jam.

We know what we need to do, right? We need to write and we need to write consistently. We have great ideas for our stories and articles, but we get stuck in procrastination mode.

Time gets away from us. There is seemingly always something that gets in the way of our focused writing. We live in a world of distractions — social media, kids, texts, phone, on and on. There is always something that draws our attention away from our writing. We end up wasting hours going down a proverbial rabbit hole.

Yet, writing — writing consistently is what we want to do. What we need to do and somehow someway, we are not getting it done at the level and volume we would like.

Sound familiar?



Michael Brooks

Founder — The Boomer Reinvention Project. I help Baby Boomers discover and monetize their unique purpose in life. Write on Personal Development. Carlsbad, CA